Call for Manuscripts: Vol. 2, No. 2, 2024



ISSN: 2992-2488


 International Journal of Global Affairs, Research, and Development is a peer-reviewed, Multidisciplinary, open access International Journal that publishes high-quality manuscripts from original research and review articles, twice a year (June and December). The Journal publishes manuscripts from all disciplines which have not been published, accepted, or submitted for publication in any other Journal.

  1. Manuscripts should be processed in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman, double-spaced, and line-numbered. The manuscript should have the names with the Surname preceding the initials e.g. Odobi, D.O, Bukola, O.A, and Sadiq, M.S. This should be followed by Addresses/ Affiliations of Authors which should be distinguished with superscripts 1,2,3 The corresponding Authors Email; and or without phone numbers and then continue with Abstract, Introduction, etc. Font size 12, Superscript and Subscript size 8, titles should be centralized, and 4 - 5 Keywords should be provided.
  2. The major headings to use when preparing manuscripts after item 2 above are Abstracts, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, Acknowledgment (if any), and References, all in lowercase except the First letters.
  3. Tables must start with an upper case 'T'. When preparing tables, the letter in the title should be in Sentence case. and must appear bold. Avoid horizontal and vertical lines within the Tables. Tables should be prepared using the Insert Tables option to prevent items from getting scattered while formatting the manuscript. Note that a Table must have just three (3) horizontal lines (two at the top of the table and the third at the bottom) all tables must be inserted where they are mentioned in the body of the manuscript.
  4. Illustrations in the form of graphs or photographs should be as few as possible and must be sharp and clearly defined, Legends should not be typed on a separate page accompanying the figures. Graphs should be prepared in a clear reproducible camera-ready form of printing.
  5. When citing references, all authors' names must be in bold lower case except the first letter of each name, which should be in Upper case as the year of publication is also bold. The surname must be followed by initials in all cases; the year of publication is also bold. The surname must be followed by initials in all cases. Years of publication. Title the Journal containing it or the medium of publication Journal volume and the first and last page in that order (page range). Journal names must be in italics Scientific names and names in Languages, other than English should be put in italics e.g., Prosopis, Kpomo, etc.

APA 7th edition referencing style should be used, the second line should be indented, the year put in the bracket, and citation in the text should be as e.g. (Ocheja et al., 2019), Odobi (2021). Agidi et al. (2021). The MLA referencing style should be used for Arts and Arts related disciplines/ manuscripts. Law manuscripts will also use MLA referencing style.


Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the form "Figure 1:" (in bold type) starting at the left margin. They should be followed on the same line by title which is comprehensible without reference to the text. The title should be placed under the figure using 11 font size, lower case, and normal type without a full stop. Lettering on the figure should be in lower case using Times New Roman font 12. Legends and symbols should be defined in the figure or in the title. Axes should be labelled with units in parentheses. When they are referred to in the text, figures should be typed in full e.g. (Figure 1).


An electronic text may be enriched with one colour picture when deemed necessary (animal colour, maps, machines, etc.). Pictures should be placed under the photograph in the same format as figures.

Manuscript submission and payment

Manuscripts are to be submitted through submitted manuscripts will be acknowledged on receipt and assigned a number for ease of tracking.

All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a handing charge of five thousand Naira (N5,000) or (10 Dollars). Upon acceptance of the manuscript, a publication charge of N20,000 (40 Dollars) is to be paid.

Payments are to be made into a First Bank account.

Account name: Josiah Ocheja

Account number: 3024165065 or 2023301603 in case of payment in Dollars